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      Panic & Agoraphobia Epidemology: Government's statistics / chronic patients (> 12 months): Chronic Panic Disorders involves 2,7% of U.S. citizens (8,6 millions), 1,8% (13,3 mil.) in Europe. Chronic Agoraphobia “only” involves 0,8% of U.S. citizens (2,5 mil.), 1,3% in Europe (9,6 mil.). Proportion of patients receiving “appropriate treatment” is very low (mean of 15%).

Severe Panic or Agoraphobia emerges in 40% of cases. Clinical definition of the term Severe: disability or work substantial limitation (30+ days out of role in the year), collateral psychosis like bipolar disorder, depression, etc.. , serious substances addiction, impulse-control disorder with repeated serious violence, suicide attempts. Panic Disorder is one of the top 5 highly-debilitating pathologies as work impact (days of work lost) and quality of life reduction.

Only 50% of sick people ask for a treatment (lack of information and social support), and treatment is near to nonexistent (nonexistent for “severe”, insufficient also for “intermediate” cases). A recent PubMed artiche has analyzed a wide sample of panic disorder cases where only 5% of patients assert to receive significative advantage from SSRI (panic disorder non-specific drugs) contradicting instances of several pharmaceutical companies.

      PTSD & Bipolar Disorder Epidemology - (to insert here)

Epidemiology of panic disorder 2005/2010 U.S. Institute of Mental Health , WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Survey


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